Really want to love this...
Update: 07/20/16
STILL no way to contact developer.
STILL no support.
STILL forced to see & scroll past long notes
Update: 01/23/16
Love the notebook approach...but still cant over having no pages inside a given notebook. Nothing but a huge scrolling digital scroll - forced through seeing the full length of every note. Just not enough to be a real notebook app.
Update 11/08/2015
1) STILL no way to contact developer. Website STILL says coming soon.
2) Need ability to collapse notes. Simple collapse of a note to a header/title bar would do. Too much to be forced to scroll through entire notes to get to the next note.
3) All the points below still hold true.
As much potential as the app has, doesnt seem like development has that much time to invest and as such, this app wont go far. Love the potential, need development to be accessible and a bit more proactive.
Really want to love this app. Notebooks cover designs are great.
1) No way, it seems, to contact developer.
2) Need other options beyond Dropbox - simple access to WebDAV would be appreciated.
3) Hope to see option down the road to choose different papers, fonts, ability to scribble and draw.
4) Need list view options with thumbnails.
5) Notebooks are great. Still need ability to nest (3 levels minimum)
Expand collapse functionality would be appreciated.
PixelRogue about
NOTE'd, v1.8